Monday, February 16, 2015

Swipe Card Jukebox

I think I've finally come up with a decent name for one of the projects I've tinkered with for a long time now. Previous I'd referred to it as RFID Music, but that doesn't help explain it to anyone who isn't a geek. Even if you know what RFID is then the you may be left pondering if you're swiping cards to actually make music.... a card for each note?

Swipe Card Jukebox does a better job.

I won't be renaming the github repo which is home to the underlying code, since I just see that mplayer-web-rfid-control is a fair explanation of what is going on under the covers.

I have been able to get my Swipe Card Jukebox set up as a stand alone system (which no longer relies on XBMC / Kodi). I'm able to trigger playback of music via either swiping an RFID card or via the system's website. My next bit of work will be in converting the old flat file database of card associations over to the new SQLite based database, as I don't really want to have to go through the steps of manually assigning the cards from scratch again.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    please help me. How can I make the Cards_db (cards.sqlite). My System can´t find the file. I am a newbie by linux. And i want to build my children a RFID-Bos.
    Thanks a lot
